What is a conversion in Digital Marketing?


increase convertion rate

What does conversion mean to you in Digital Marketing?

Many People asked me how to increase conversion rate through Digital Marketing, so I’m writing a small post about it. It’s not true only for Digital Marketing, it’s true for offline marketing also, Some Common Conversion Goals:

1. A completed purchase.
2. Products added to cart.
3. Page views.
4. Getting the testimonial.
5. Email Signup or Form completion.
6. Downloading an eBook or an App.
7. Clicks to “Contact Us” page.
8. Time on site.

You need to know before spending for Paid Search

paid search marketing

paid search marketing

We use a questionnaire as a guide to this process that asks questions like:

1. What are the key selling points of your business?
2. Describe your primary target market. Do you have a secondary target market? If so, please describe.
3. What is the average cost of your services, programs or products?
4. What, if any, are your primary geographic targets?
5. What, if any, are the peak times of doing business?
6.What current challenges do you have in terms of marketing and advertising?
7. What sets you apart from other businesses in the same space?
8. Who do you consider to be your primary competitors? Learn more.. http://goo.gl/na3bga

Still, have questions in mind? Or want to get a call from us?

Just fill-up the contact form or call us at +88 01716 988 953 or +88 01927 711 980 to get a free consultancy from our expert or you can directly email us at info@bytecodeit.com We would be happy to answer you.

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